ShakiraEsta natural Barranquilla Colombia, had a journey full of ups and downs. But it has always maintained a conviction, strength and courage that ultimately, the feature in everything it does.
Early showed his skills as an artist, starting from very young to write short snippets of stories that thought and gave it to his father. This, he encouraged her to go and write everything you dreamed or envisioned. Basically, you have been the major driver of the art of Shakira. But obviously she is not only known for his ability to write songs. His innate ability to dance, was built very early, when at the age of seven years has begun to integrate a Shakiragrupo of dancers belly dancing in a restaurant in the Middle East. It became very evident when he could produce the same movements as their older colleagues, to the delight of restaurant customers and those who were watching the little girl to showcase its talent innate.Sure, there have been who has been a lot of the influence of movements that integrates into your performances and still revolutionize the world of Pop, when a video clip or stars in their live performances. The audience is delirious with its sinuous movements and sensual.
ShakiraMas your talent does not stop here, and to highlight their distinctive voice and that became his trademark. Even at school, she could only interpret soil since his voice surpassed that of their peers when in chorus. This meant that his colleagues had laughed and dubbed her voice as a voice of an animal. " But that did not discourage that Shakira has always cultivated the willpower, using criticism to become even stronger. Above all, opted for the individuality of his style, whether in music or dance style.
ShakiraMas life has these things and frankly, the life of Shakira could produce a Hollywood movie. Otherwise, see.On a flight to his friend, theater producer, traveled with a representative of Sony Music Publishing, encouraged to hear that the irreverent singer and decide whether it was worth mention it to sign a contract. The venue was an entrance to a motel, where Shakira played some songs. This, loved what he saw and heard, but their colleagues in Bogotá, were not very enthusiastic when he heard the demo that led them. They said her voice was too unusual and could hardly succeed.
But this executive of Sony Music, did not go under and managed to evade his colleagues to get a hearing with Shakira, stating that it was not her. He said that would be another singer with potential talent to be heard by them. Her talent was undeniable and immediately wanted to sign a contract for three albums with the Colombian.
ShakiraPensas that from then on was an absolute success? Ironic mistake. His first album name "Magic," recorded in 1991 when she was only 14 years, failed roundabout, much as I had not found its audience. He returned to the studio to release the album "Peligro," recorded in 1993. This, despite having achieved higher sales and begin to garner more fans, it was not a great success that would allow him to dream of a place in the sun. Moreover, the very Shakira does not much like what he sang. He thought he was done more to taste of its producer than her own.
shakira_005.jpgApesar of by this time, she is not well known outside of Colombia, was invited to the International Music Festival Viña del Mar in Chile. Then he performed in front of a big audience for that broadcast around the world, as the promises future Latin music stars. The judges were representatives from such well-known festival of publishers and some world renowned artists. Including Ricky Martin, despite not being the flagship of our day. The emotional and powerful performance of the ballad "Eres" got him third place in the exhibition and international profile.
ShakiraQuando graduated high school, he could then return to the studio to record their third album, where here instead had the eclectic influences that made it what it is today. Thus, released in 1995, the album "Pies Descalzos" achieved huge success in Latin America, where the singles "Estoy aquí", "Pies Descalzos, Sueños Blancos" y "Donde Estas Corazon" were largely responsible for its rise. This album only earned him the sale of 4 million copies.
ShakiraEntão, Shakira sought help from well-known producer Emilio Estefan (you shall know the name by being the husband of Gloria Estefan) to produce their fourth album, "Donde Están los Ladrones" released in 1998. Shakira was so internationalized warning, not only in Latin America, including in countries such as France, Canada and the United States always desirable. From that album, 8 songs became singles, a total of 11 songs. Incredible! Among these singles featured the favorite of fans, "Ojos así" and "No Creo", "Inevitable" and "Si Te Vas."
ShakiraPara demonstrating their growing popularity, Shakira appeared on MTV Unplugged in the first issue devoted to the Hispanic market. The recording of the issue you've made, earned her first Grammy Award and was considered the main promise of America in 2000.
ShakiraO time was ripe to launch internationally and nothing better to do it in English. He then decided to learn English and produced some songs appropriate to this desire. However, he had always some good music with Latin phrases, strengthening their roots. The album "Laundry Services" was the turning point of the singer to become a global pop star. The singles "Wherever, Whenever" and "Underneath Your Clothes" have spread across the globe. This 2001 album won him the sale of more than 13 million copies.
ShakiraFoi glory for its momentum. But it did not end here and decided to innovate even more. Why not then throw two discs (one English and one in Castilian) almost the same time? Unpublished? Not much, but this seemed to be doomed to success. Then, the singer has produced over 60 different songs and divided them in their two projects separately. ShakiraO first came out in June 2005 called "Fijación Oral N.1" which had a single duet with Alejandro Sanz its name "La Tortura," which made it into the top sales charts for most world, hoping to record some unpublished . The second, "Oral Fixaction N.2" came out in November 2005, also with a duet, but this time with Wyclef Jean, with the single "Hips Do not Lie," which has since become the most played single ever in History of Pop Radio
ShakiraIsso made Shakira the only Colombian singer playing the No. 1 global tables. To celebrate such achievements, Shakira made its largest-ever turnee in June 2006 reaching more than 140 concerts. During these concerts, fabulous accession numbers reached, but one of the most impressive was the concert in Mexico City with more than 200,000 spectators. The largest ever in the city.
ShakiraDesde that time, was invited to a series of duets that is anointed as absolute hits. Who can forget the duet which she starred with the beautiful Beyonce Knwoles with the single "Beautiful Liar"?

But Shakira is not here and has embarked on a more risky step. Now decided to write songs for movies. In particular, a film inspired by the bestselling novel by Gabriel Garcia Marques, named "Love in the Time of Cholera" with Javier Bardem in the leading role. With all these challenges and multiple tasks, including the time devoted to its charitable foundations, Shakira has its hands full. But family time with her daughter and husband is on your agenda, obviously.